
The idea for this site came to me one Sunday night around 7 pm I was looking in my refrigerator for something
to eat for dinner and waiting for some meal to magically appear.Like many people, I am single and even though I love to eat, I don't enjoy cooking for one. 
Since moving to Chicago several years ago, I have met and continue to meet many single people daily of all ages. The one thing I have noticed we have in common are the difficulties and lack of excitement to cook for one. The hard truth? We all still need to eat!  

I decided to share recipes that can be made by single people in different living situations from those in college cooking in an apartment to Seniors living on their own with access to a kitchen with the basics. 

Since I am still single, it wouldn't be appropriate to hand out dating advice; however, I can offer cooking and baking tips, as well as tips on shopping, preparation, storing and freezing.

Cooking for yourself is a great opportunity to eat fresh foods everyday if you choose, eat whatever you like, eat the same meal five nights in a row if that is what you want to do or eat breakfast for dinner. This is a time to celebrate and experiment, after all, if you make a mistake, it could be amazing and if not, no one will know but you...

The more practice you have now, the more prepared you will be when you do meet that special someone you can share the perfect meal.

Lastly, cooking isn't a science. The recipes that I share can be adjusted to your taste. Please keep in mind that everyone's oven is different and the cooking times may need to be adjusted slightly. I have just started uploading recipes, so check back for more recipes.

Bon appetit and enjoy Flying Single in the Kitchen!

The Sassy Chef